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The Avatar?Course
Author: Mary Evans

The Avatar course, was written down by Harry Palmer, an educational psychologist, in 1986. He says it was created out of ‘perceived need' and that he wanted to give people tools to better handle the difficulties of life. The tools and techniques delivered in the course, he says, were IN consciousness and may have always been there, just waiting to be discovered. If it weren’t for all the people who have meditated, read about and explored consciousness, perhaps the tools would not have been discovered exactly when they were ?birthed from a floatation tank in the stillness of his own living room! Harry doesn't pretend to be the only person capable of discovering something like Avatar but we can thank everyone.

Since its inception, it has circumnavigated the planet with unrivaled success, causing ripples of excitement wherever it is next discovered. We say discovered, for no amount of clever advertising or persuasive sales techniques can induce the student to take the course more effectively than simply allowing him or her to feel an attraction to the simple truth ?you are source over what you experience and what you believe. When an awakening student hears their own whisper of realizations, quite often they come across an opportunity to meet an ‘Avatar Master?and start exploring. (An Avatar Master is someone who is licensed and trained to deliver the Avatar course.)


Section 1: The journey begins in the written and spoken word. This tests the relationship of Master/Student ?is there empathy and a matching of vibrations? This is explored in an inexpensive one-day workshop called ‘Resurfacing? If the answer is yes, the student can easily move beyond the word lessons and start experiencing his or her own world lessons. If the answer is no, the student or master may explore what is getting in the way of a successful experience, by offering to repeat some of the exercises or by referring the student to another master.

Section 2 of the course lasts 4 to 5 days on average. It reveals to the Student, very quickly, how he or she is creating personal reality. The Student learns a variety of tools to discover a perceptive skill that is usually dormant (in other words, waiting to be reawakened). To stop here is usually found to be thoroughly enlightening and enjoyable. It returns the Student to a level of source-being that is empowering and exciting. For many, divinity and dignity are restored with very little effort or struggle. For this reason this is often referred to as an empowerment course. But it is really much more.


Section 3 is when the Master may invite the Student to explore the materials more deeply: to learn not only how to create reality but also how to discreate any limitation that is preventing the manifestation of a preferred reality. It starts out with a guided initiation by the Master, whereupon the Student embarks on a magical tour of his or her own belief system. It reveals many secrets and unlocks many closed doors. The journey is carefully designed to remove any panic reactions which might be caused by discovering some profound, hidden area of consciousness.

The Student emerges expanded, relaxed and with eyes wide open ?it may be a moment of revelation. Then, after a period of integration the Student is introduced to the ‘power tools? The power tools ‘Rotoroot?any aspect of consciousness that may be creating unnecessary suffering. Although we do not assert that everyone will reach the core of every creation of everything that is being created, some people may experience spontaneous healing. It takes, on average, 3 to 4 days to master the seven ‘rundowns?or processes. This is a powerful part of the course and will probably blow the lid right off any secrets that you may have been acting through. Each of the rundown addresses a specific area of one’s existence.

Upon completion of the entire course, a Student is encouraged to take a little time out to integrate the profound effect Avatar is probably having on his or her life. For some, it takes weeks, months even years, depending on what is encountered. The ‘WOW?eventually integrates (this is important) to ‘interesting?and the student is then well on his or her way to expanding consciousness for himself or herself, and for the beings he or she comes into contact with. At this point, a student may decide to become a Licensed Avatar Master. We find it unlike any other spiritual or mental practice that anyone is likely to find elsewhere. We invite explorers of consciousness to take the Avatar plunge and join us in exploring ever deeper. Avatar graduates are especially prepared to accept the challenge; we start the process of self-realization by looking into our own inventories, before offering advice to others (however well intentioned.) We look more carefully at our own motivations be! fore we attempt to correct civilization. We will accept responsibility for our mistakes, sooner than start another conflict! We explore the beliefs and indoctrinated assertions that we may be acting through. We are creating peace, by ending the right-and-wrong game. We find it a thoroughly humbling, but enlightening experience. We are happy to deliver Avatar to those it best serves, or your money back (you have 30 days to evaluate the usefulness of the tools of sections 1 & 2, before embarking on section 3)

Thank you for taking the time to read this brief description of Avatar. We at Avatar Associates of Florida have put together an Information Packet including two books which may answer more questions you may have. And of course we invite you to contact us and visit with us in the sunny Tampa Bay area of Florida.


Mary M. Evans has been a Licensed Avatar Master since 1992. She offers one free preliminary session to anyone wishing to explore the workability of the Avatar tools in their own life. Her e-mail address is
