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for such a time as this
Author: ogunmekan titilola

Volume 1 issue 19

Dele is an engineer and new on the job. Two weeks after resumption, he was made Project Manager over a housing estate under construction. The contract, which was assigned to the MD’s baby company, went quite well until the contractors felt excellence should take second place. The foundations were carelessly dug, and the materials used, of inferior quality. Although the building stood for some time, when a storm came nine months later, the house crumbled, and carted lives away with it. When asked what happened, Dele confessed that he knew the MD was wrong but didn’t want to lose his job so he kept mute, but guess what? He did, he lost the job.

Is it then safe to say that Dele was not up to the task? that he brought into the company for such a time as this, to help reveal the MD’s dirty deals, and save them from more danger? I feel if he had confronted the MD, he might have still lost his job, but his purpose for being in the company at the time would have been fulfilled; the MD might have been replaced, and the company saved.

This illustration reminds me of the story of Esther, a Jew who found favour before the king and was made queen over Queen Vashti. A time came in the land when a decree went out for the Jews to be destroyed, and this troubled Mordecai greatly. He sent word to his cousin Esther, to go into the king’s inner court to plead for her people; but she thought “ oh dear! ”.There was a law that said “whoever went into the king’s inner court uninvited was to die, except the one to whom he stretched out his scepter”. Unfortunately, she hadn’t been called in to see the king in recent times.

At this point she was helpless, but thank God for great company, Mordecai made a statement that changed her life forever. He said “do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace anymore than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to this kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4: 14

Wow! those were powerful words. They gave her a passion that rose from within her to help her people; or how would you explain someone who some minutes earlier shuddered at the thought of seeing the king, now telling Mordecai to gather other Jews in the land to fast three days for her, while she went in to see the king? More so, uttering the words; “if I perish I perish”? Where did the boldness come from? I guess she found out she was their only hope of survival.

What about you, where are you presently? What are you capable of turning around? Were you placed in that position for such a time as this? If Dele had done what Esther did; standing up for justice, and making sure the MD was brought to book, I believe he would have saved many lives, and so many resources wouldn’t have been wasted either; or what do you think?

Is your company gradually falling apart to sabotage? Can you take a bold step to face the people involved even if it means losing your job? Are you the only saving grace for your organization?

Is your friend involved in the wrong deal, and with the wrong people? Is he ignorant of the fact that it might land him in trouble? Who knows if you became friends for such a time as this?

Nelson Mandela stood for what he believed was right in spite of the opposition he faced, and eventually came out a victor. Imagine what would have happened if he had been afraid and didn’t stand to it. Well I believe he stood the test for such a time as this.

What about you? What do you have charge over? What can you change around you? In your family? at school? On the job? and in your business? I believe you are there for such a time as this. Make the impact!

Your friend,

Ogunmekan Titilola

